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Thai Movie  GARUDA

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The story is about the half-man, half-bird creature of Hindu lore, which has been hibernating for thousands of years underneath Bangkok. The digging of subway wakes it up. A secret military unit, devoted to killing "gods", is on the case, along with a half-Thai, half-French archaeologist whose father was on the trail of one of these beasts. They are unable to contain the garuda though, and he's unleashed on the city where he causes a small amount of mayhem.

As bold as some of the statements made were, I was disappointed that more citywide destruction wasn't depicted, and I thought the ending was pretty lame. But, another garuda could arise.


Anonymous said...

saya download kok malah jadi the shutter????

Admin said...

wah yang bener sob... maaf ya mungkin link nya terbalik naruhnya. biar aku benerin ( tapi senin ) ya sob hiii

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