Following the deadly climax of “Green Street Hooligans,” several members of the West Ham firm and numerous members of Millwall end up in jail. The GSE quickly discover the brutality of life on the inside, as they are constant targets of the superior numbers and better-financed Millwall crew. Football on the inside and out is followed fervently by the prisoners and wins and losses by both are quickly followed by punishment or reward. This could mean a beating or an extra shower or a day of visitation, which inspires extreme behavior. When overcrowding compels a need for the early release of a fortunate few, fate brings West Ham and Millwall together again this time on a Pitch. The stakes are the highest they have ever been for all concerned with death or freedom quite literally a goal away
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green street hooligans :)
cara downloadnya gmna sihh ka?
kok aku ngga bisa
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aku ngga bisaa kaa
maaf nih saya mau nanya cara pasang subtitlenya gimana?
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