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Tentang Hobi Unduh
Hobi Unduh merupakan blog download film gratis dan subtitle gratis yang tersedia bagi teman teman semua
Oke teman teman setelah sekian lama blog ini dibuat , aku baru sadar ternyata penjelasan mengenai blog ini sama sekali belum ada oleh karena itu, mulai terbersit keinginan untuk mengenalkan blog ini pada rekan - rekan pengunjung semua.
Oke teman teman setelah sekian lama blog ini dibuat , aku baru sadar ternyata penjelasan mengenai blog ini sama sekali belum ada oleh karena itu, mulai terbersit keinginan untuk mengenalkan blog ini pada rekan - rekan pengunjung semua.
Istilah Kualitas Film
Hobi Unduh merupakan blog download film gratis dan subtitle gratis yang tersedia bagi teman teman semua.
Cam bisanya disebut Rip Bioskop yang direkam menggunakan kamera video yang biasanya dilakukan secara diam-diam. Nah kalo agan suka nonton trus ditengah film ada siluet / gambar kepala lewat, badan lewat hahaha... itu die tipe CAM . Gambar goyang dan tiba2 gelap (karena kehalang) sudah biasa ditengah-tengah film. Yang paling seru ada dubbing alami.. misalnya pas kejadian lucu, jangan heran koor ketawa para penonton juga ikut kerekam wakakaka.. kalo masalah kualitas suara gan, cukup bikin kuping kelelahan.. gimana nggak orang suaranya jadi cempreng hehehe..
Free Games Amea

Amea follows the story of a young girl who finds no recollection of her memory. When she awakens in the absence of reality, there before her lies a dark path leading to the answers of her past.Game type: RPG
Genre: Horror
-Directional keys to move, crouch and jump-A, S, D are customary, you may select them to become your attack, special, and/or defense.
-Space bar to open inventory
-i for quest log and map
-q to toggle quality
Free Games Meaty Boner
Fight against the rest of skeletons and reach the end of each level. Use the ARROW KEYS to move around and jump. Double tap UP ARROW KEY for doublel jump. Press "A" KEY to attack and use "S" KEY to throw your skull.
Your goal in this simple fighting game is to fight against the rest of skeletons and reach the end of each level. Use the ARROW KEYS to move around and jump. Double tap UP ARROW KEY for doublel jump. Press "A" KEY to attack and use "S" KEY to throw your skull. Good luck!
Download Games
Free Games Clear Vision 4
I'm happy to say that I've started developing a new "Clear Vision". It's going to be something special I hope!
Follow progress and get the latest news at dpflashes.com if you'd like.
As usual I'm beeing annoying by keeping a lot of the gameplay and story secret until it's actually released, i hope you can live with that!
source Dan ( http://daani.newgrounds.com/news/post/286279 )

Follow progress and get the latest news at dpflashes.com if you'd like.
As usual I'm beeing annoying by keeping a lot of the gameplay and story secret until it's actually released, i hope you can live with that!
source Dan ( http://daani.newgrounds.com/news/post/286279 )

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Free Games Destructo Truck
You have a big truck, a ramp, and a bunch of stuff waiting to be smashed. More destruction means more cash to upgrade your rig. What are you waiting for?
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Anaksha Female Assassin
A shooter set within the rainswept world of crime noir. Follow the story of this beautiful but deadly femme-fatale who embarks on a brutal, bloody-thirsty rampage through the city of Santa Lina, delivering her own brand of justice to social parasites who've avoided punishment. Murderers, rapists, spouse abusers, human traffickers - none can escape their fate when even the police fear the angel of death watching their every move.
Download Game Here
The Legends of Hiro
![]() | Source ( http://ahkong.net/the-legends-of-hiro-download/ ) Mainkan dengan swf player!!!! The Legends of Hiro – Free Flash Games Download – Overview Play the role of some guy named Hiro who got a surprise visit from the spirit of his grandfather as he was waking up one morning who told him that some bad things are gonna happen and unless Hiro does something to stop it the world as he knows will never be the same. Ready for an adventure? |