If you can see the future, you can save it. Cris Johnson reads minds, or so he leads everyone to believe, what he really does is see around 2 minutes into the future and can change events to pan out a more positive way, but only his future. When a nuclear threat is discovered on American soil, the FBI discover his gift and want him to help track down the terrorists. He has plans of his own however, he saw a lot further than 2 minutes at one point and it involved his future girlfriend Jessica. Knowing the location of their meeting he goes there every day with hopes that its going to be "the day" she walks into his life. As the FBI close onto his location though, so do the terrorists who also have intel of his gift and want him dead. Unfortunatly for Cris he remains alive while his girlfriend is captured by the terrorists and has to aid the FBI in finding them both after all, before its too late
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