Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) is a 27 year old investment banker. He narrates his upper-class daily life, and then turns to his darker side of rape, torture, and murder by night.
Patrick grew up with a wealthy background. He graduated from Harvard, and Harvard Business School. Patrick is the vice president at the Wall Street investment bank, Pierce & Pierce, owned by his father. His activities involve: renting/returning videos, attending classy restaurants, parties with his colleagues, and visiting night clubs.
Patrick's personal life consists of various affairs around his fiancée Evelyn (Reese Witherspoon). Patrick prides himself on his physical appearance, and trying to outclass his colleagues. He is aware of his psychopathic nature and tries to hint this to others, but he is misunderstood, and ignored. Patrick is visited by Detective Donald Kimball (Willem Dafoe), who is investigating the "disappearance" of Paul Allen (Jared Leto). In the movie it seems that Detective Kimball suspects Patrick of having something to do with the disappearance of Allen, but is told by others he was at a party on the date Allen went missing.
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